Short Handled Cleaning Brush
Long bristles and an ergonomic handle make this bush ideal for cleaning your ultrasonic cleaner, the chamber of your autoclave or the inside of your washer disinfector and other equipment in your decontamination area.
- Ergonomic handle for better hand comfort
- Easy to clean (no cavity)
Part no. 50-35900

Fine Brush - Stainless Steel
Fine brush with stainless steel bristles, suitable for instrument cleaning.
Brush with stainless steel bristles, suitable for fine instrument cleaning. These brushes are ideal for large bore, uniquely shaped, and endoscopic instruments.
Part no. 29-72550

Fine Brush - Nylon Bristles
Fine brush with nylon bristles, suitable for fine instrument cleaning.
These brushes are ideal for large bore, uniquely shaped, and endoscopic instruments.
Part no. 28-72550

Premium Brush (Pack of 3)
Brush with transparent, polyamide fibres.
Brush suitable for use in the pre-clean and preparation of instruments.
Available in four different types, differentiated by colour:
- Extra Rigid - Blue
- Rigid - Green
- Flexible - Yellow
- Extra flexible - Red
Part no. 50-409XX